Brie de Melun
Brie de Melun, of which the very old origins are little-known, might just be the ancestor of all Bries. This soft-ripened, bloomy rind cheese is made with raw cow’s milk.
Slightly saltier and more distinctive than its Meaux-based cousin, its size and weight are reduced compared to this other Brie, as is its production zone, which barely stretches beyond Seine-et-Marne.
It has enjoyed a registered designation of origin (AOC) since 1980 and a protected designation of origin (AOP) since 1996.
Brie de Melun has a thin, wrinkly white bloomy rind dotted with brown or orange spots; next to the rind its paste is yellow, creamy and shiny; its center is white and crumbly.
Health & nutrition
Flavours & sensory qualities
A very distinct earthy aroma rises from the rind, while the paste smells of cream. The texture is soft and rarely runny, and the taste is intense. This cheese has a relatively salty flavor and persistent mushroom aromas.